Bribery Act (2010) statement

The Bribery Act (2010) provides a modern and comprehensive scheme of offences that enables the courts and prosecutors to respond more effectively to bribery in the UK or abroad. 

Two of the basic principles here at HRCH are:

  • the proper use of the public’s money so that NHS resources are used at the frontline
  • a commitment to maintaining high ethical and moral standards

The Trust is firmly committed to taking all necessary steps to counter fraud and bribery and embedding a culture for staff to report their concerns and highlight any areas of weaknesses.

HRCH is working hard to ensure an appropriate anti-bribery programme is incorporated within the organisation, through:

  • its anti-fraud and anti-bribery policy;
  • a commitment to carry out business fairly, honestly and openly;
  • a commitment to zero tolerance towards bribery;
  • the consequences of breaching the policies for employees and managers;
  • the avoidance of doing business with others who do not commit to doing business without bribery as a ‘best practice’ objective;
  • the protection and procedures for confidential reporting of bribery (Raising Concerns);
  • to support key individuals and departments involved in the development and implementation of the Trust’s bribery prevention procedures.

HRCH maintains the highest standards of probity and aims to provide assurance that any relationships only enter into a clear benefit for the Trust and not for personal gain.

We do this by: 

  • our Managing Conflicts in the NHS policy for staff to appropriately declare any interests
  • ensuring staff are aware of the need to act impartially in all their work 
  • protecting all staff against the possibility of accusations of corruptive practice 
  • upholding the established principles of business conduct within the NHS and the public sector 
  • upholding the reputation of the Trust and its staff in the way it conducts its business
  • adhering to the principles of openness. 

On behalf of the Trust, I confirm our commitment to ensuring that all staff, suppliers and contractors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the prevention of fraud, bribery and corruption and that the risk of HRCH’s exposure to acts of bribery, fraud and corruption is mitigated. 
David Hawkins
Chief Executive

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