Equality and diversity

LGBT0038-5133.jpgWe are keen to ensure that we recognise and deliver culturally sensitive, inclusive, accessible and fair services which make a difference to the individuals we serve.

We are also committed to providing employment practices which are fair and accessible for the diverse workforce we employ.  We aim to provide an environment that is equally welcoming to people of all backgrounds, cultures, nationalities and religions. 

Equality and diversity is at the heart of the NHS and investing in a diverse workforce enables us to deliver a better service and improve patient care.

Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Diversity is about recognising and valuing difference in its broadest sense. 

SOCA564-9459.jpgAs a publicly-funded body, we are required to ensure that diversity, equality and human rights are embedded into all our functions and activities as per the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the NHS Constitution. In performing  our functions, we will:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

  • Foster good relations between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not.  

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