Healthcare works better when the different organisations who fund and provide services work together. We work closely with other NHS, public sector and voluntary organisations to make services more joined up and effective.
The NHS, Council, voluntary sector and Healthwatch have come together to look at what’s important for health and care in Richmond, what the challenges are and how if different organisations work more closely together we can make a difference.
Our aspiration for the people of Richmond is that they start well, live well and age well. The priority areas for improvement which the programme has identified are:
Start Well
- Improve the mental wellbeing and resilience of our children and young people
- Support children and young people with special educational needs, disabilities and complex health and care needs to flourish and be independent in their local communities
- Focus on reducing obesity to improve the health of our children and young people
Live Well
- Support people to stay healthy and manage their long-term health conditions
- Promote mental wellbeing and support those who experience poor mental health to avoid mental health crisis
- Reduce health inequalities for people with learning disabilities and serious mental illness
Age Well
- Encourage active, resilient and inclusive communities that support people to live at home independently, if possible.
- Support people to plan for their final years so they have a dignified death in a place of their choice
Improve support for unpaid carers
- Recognise and value carers in their caring role and enable them to have a life outside of caring.
- Prevention
- Work with and enable communities and individuals to lead healthy lives and have confidence to care for themselves and others
In November 2018 we held an event which brought together health and care frontline staff, local people and representatives from lots of different community organisations to talk about what’s important for health and care in Richmond.
We talked about the kinds of things which no single organisation can achieve alone – like combating childhood obesity and supporting people with diabetes. Discussions were centred on whether we are focusing on the right areas for Richmond, and how to ensure the action we take has maximum impact for local people.
There was great energy and fresh ideas in the room. It was clear that people were passionate about health and care in our borough and wanted to support us.
We are using the ideas generated during the event as we develop our Richmond Health and Care Plan. We’ll be publishing progress on our plans for discussion in spring 2019.
We will use this discussion document to continue the conversation - and start talking to people about how to put ideas into action.
We’ll be speaking to the communities most involved in and affected by what is included in the discussion document. For example, we’ll be working with young people, their parents and teachers on anything proposed around children and young people’s mental health.
To support the development of our local plan, we will also be looking to the similar priorities around prevention and early intervention that have been published in the NHS long-term plan, issued recently by the Government. We’ll be discussing the key parts of this and how it fits with our own local plan with people in Richmond in early 2019.