Training and development

Training and development

The trust is committed to developing and training staff to reach their full potential. We support our employees to ensure they maintain and develop the knowledge and skills they require to meet the needs of their job and the service. Staff participate in professional development as part of maintaining our commitment to ensuring the delivery of safe and high quality patient care.

This is done in a number of ways:


Education, training and development of our staff are central to the Trust’s ability to provide high quality healthcare services. We believe it is important to support the continuing learning and development of all our employees.

Financial support for learning and development provided externally is available to all staff.

Skill based learning

Staff have extended clinical roles and may need new skills to meet the patient and service needs. We have a wide range of in-house and external training courses from study days to Masters programmes and feel this is an investment in clinicians to benefit our patients. An example is the increasing number of nurses who can assess and prescribe so speeding up treatment options.

Development opportunities are available for all staff

The trust has an in-house induction with annual updates in mandatory and statutory training areas to make sure they and our patients are kept safe. Managers will discuss training and development opportunities with staff at appraisal and in 1-1 and team meetings. For example our health trainers had study sessions on dementia, cancer and substance misuse and we have planned further sessions on Motivational interviewing to help them support health choices.

Staff may all apply for funding towards their professional development although they will need the support of their manager to highlight the link to service needs.

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