Equality and diversity

We are committed to providing culturally sensitive, inclusive, accessible and fair services that make a difference to the people we serve.

We also aim to provide a working environment that is equally welcoming to all people, regardless of background, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion.

Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can fulfil their potential. Diversity is about recognising and valuing difference in its broadest sense.

As a publicly-funded body, we are required to ensure that diversity, equality and human rights are embedded into everything we do, in line with the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the NHS Constitution.

We will:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Foster good relations between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not.  

PDF file icon HRCH Gender Pay Gap Report 2024
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard and Disability Equality Standard Annual Report 2023
PDF file icon Workforce Disability Equality Standard Action Plan 2023-2024
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard Action Plan 2023-2024
PDF file icon Equality Delivery System report 2018
PDF file icon Equality Delivery System Evidence Portfolio 2022-2023.pdf
PDF file icon Equality Delivery System Grading Pack 2023.pdf
PDF file icon HRCH Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-2023.pdf
DOCX file icon Public Sector Equalities Report 21-22.docx
DOCX file icon HRCH WRES-WDES Annual Report 2022.docx
DOCX file icon HRCH WRES Action Plan 2022-2023.docx
DOCX file icon HRCH WDES Action Plan 2022-2023.docx
PDF file icon Public sector equality duty report 2021.pdf
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard and Workforce Disability Equality Standard Report 2021.pdf
PDF file icon HRCH Gender Pay Gap report 2021.pdf
PDF file icon Equality diversity and Inclusion Board Report - Sept 2020.pdf
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard and WRES Report 2019-2020.pdf
PDF file icon Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2019-2020.pdf
DOCX file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard, 2019
XLSX file icon WRES 2019 Appendix 1
XLSX file icon WDES 2019 Appendix 2
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard, 2018
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard, 2017
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard, 2016
PDF file icon Public sector equality duty annual report 2018/19
DOCX file icon Public sector equality duty annual report 2017/18
PDF file icon Public sector equality duty annual report, 2016/2017
PDF file icon Public sector equality duty annual report, 2015/16
DOCX file icon EDI Board report 2019
DOCX file icon Equality Delivery System report 2019
PDF file icon HRCH gender pay gap report 2018
DOCX file icon HRCH gender pay gap report 2019
PDF file icon HRCH Gender Pay Gap reporting 2017.pdf
PDF file icon Appendix D - 2015-15 Annual Complaints report data.pdf
PDF file icon Appendix C - 2015-16 Quality priorities.pdf
PDF file icon Appendix A 2015-16 recruitment data.pdf
PDF file icon Appendix B PSED 2015-16 Patient contacts by protected characteristic.pdf
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard - WR08 reporting-template-2016 (1).pdf
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard - Section 5 - additional data.pdf
PDF file icon Workforce Race Equality Standard - Section 5 - additional data.pdf
PDF file icon Public Sector Equality Annual Report - March 2015.pdf
PDF file icon Public Sector Equality Annual Report - March 2015.pdf

The EDS is used to support the Trust to deliver better outcomes for service users and communities and better working environments for staff, which are personal, fair and diverse, making positive differences to healthy living and the working lives for everyone.

We will be holding EDS events in April and May 2023 with our key stakeholders.  The purpose of the EDS grading events is to help us review and improve our performance by listening to the views of our service users, carers, local communities and those who work in the NHS.  As part of this, we will be pulling together a brochure of evidence for our stakeholders to view.

Please email khft.equalities@nhs.net if you have any queries or require reasonable adjustments

Soldier in field.jpgWe are committed to offering practical support for patients and the families of patients who are veterans or serving in the UK armed forces.

Our Chief Executive, Jo Farrar, signed the Armed Forces Covenant to ensure that no member of the Armed Forces community should face disadvantages in the provision of services, and that, in some circumstances, special treatment may be appropriate especially for the injured or bereaved.

We are now working towards becoming fully accredited as a Veteran Aware Accredited organisation. 

Further information and support

  • The Royal British Legion offers lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.
  • SSAFA, the armed forces charity offers welfare support to people in the armed forces, veterans and their families.
  • Combat Stress offers mental health support to veterans.
  • Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS) supports people in the armed forces and veterans when they're staying in hospital.

A full list of the support available to people in the armed forces and their families is available on the Confederation of Service Charities website.

  • Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Richmond AID
  • Learn English at Home (LEAH)
  • Life Integrated Support Service in Hounslow
  • London Boroughs Faiths Network
  • Stonewall      
  • AGE UK     
  • Integrated Neurological Services (INS)
  • London Borough of Richmond upon Thames - Carers hub service
  • Richmond Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) - directory of community & voluntary services

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