London anti-racism statement

8 August 2024

London anti-racism statement.png

At Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare (HRCH) and Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, we fully endorse the NHS England London anti-racism statement (below) and we are committed to ensuring the principles are adopted through our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy.

Anti-racism statement

We will identify and take action to tackle structural racism and wider health inequalities, embedding reflection and learning at all levels.

We are committed to embedding a strong strategic anti-racism approach in London’s health and care system.

  • In the places our people work in
  • In the provision of the care we provide
  • Across all Systems of health and care we deliver for the people of London

We openly acknowledge the repeated negative experiences of staff from multiple ethnic groups within our NHS health and care system.

We recognise that these lived experiences arise from embedded policies, practices and processes, many of which have become normalised and unchallenged in our systems; representing (for staff) institutionalised racism.

We further acknowledge that racism serves as an issue in and of itself, but also, as a surrogate for discriminatory practices against other characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, belief, disability and others that can detrimentally intersect for individuals.

As set out in the London Workforce Race Strategy (2020), we will create environments where all our staff can be their full, true and authentic selves and thus deliver to their best potentials and progress to their ultimate goals.

We commit to actively seeking to identify, measure and call out discriminatory practice and to take steps to deal consistently and effectively with poor behaviour where present in any of our staff or organisations. We will not be complicit by silence.

The NHS England – London Promise

  • We will listen and hear when staff raise concerns
  • We will choose to be curious, humble and considerate and avoid defensive thinking. We will take action where discrimination is evident
  • We will pro-actively co-design new systems with staff and stakeholders and institute polices, practices and cultural expectations for belonging and inclusion
  • We will embed a strategic approach to commissioning to help reduce systemic bias, focused on creating the right environment for reducing systemic bias in commissioning that will improve patient care and experience
  • We will hold ourselves accountable, individually and collectively, as leaders to delivering to these commitments

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