Adult Continuing Healthcare - Richmond

The Richmond Continuing Healthcare Service assesses adults from the age of 18 years in line with the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare (2022).

The Nurse Assessors work with families and local authority partners to undertake comprehensive assessments and reviews so that eligibility for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing care be determined.

People eligible for either fully funded NHS Continuing Healthcare or Funded Nursing Care will be subject to review assessment at three months following receipt of the funding from the NHS. If they remain eligible they will then have annual reviews.

Transition of children into adult Continuing Healthcare Service is undertaken at 17 years of age. The transition referral process is started by either the Community Children’s Continuing Care Nurse or by the Social Worker allocated to the child. A Checklist and a Transition referral form need to be completed for the planning of the assessment.

Continuing Healthcare funding is awarded depending on whether a person’s primary need is a health need and not on any particular diagnosis of condition.

The Nursing Team are Registered Nurses who are skilled in undertaking specialist and complex Healthcare Assessments. 

The service is supported by a dedicated administration and business support.

The service uses Microsoft Teams to coordinate and undertake the assessments, and at times may be face to face.  The person and named representative are involved in the process of the assessment by giving consent for the assessment.

Linda Hagan: CHC Service Manager

Friday Eboreime: Senior CHC Nurse Assessor

Claire Kelly: Senior CHC Nurse Assessor

April Tap: CHC Nurse Assessor

Astrid Gan: CHC Nurse Assessor

Adedoyin Adeyemo: CHC Nurse Assessor

Robert Mushambi: CHC Nurse Assessor

Naomi Richardson: HRCH CHC Business Support Officer

Referrals for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) have different streams depending on who is making the referral.

Registered Nurses in the community setting (excluding Nursing Homes), and therapists should use the Standard Referral Form to submit any requests for a CHC Assessment and submit to

Social Care professionals will use a Checklist to identify whether the person meets the criteria for a Full Healthcare assessment, and will submit directly to Caretack Referral Portal. The Checklist referral must be sent to the Richmond ICB Referral Portal to be triaged:

All Fast Track referrals should be sent directly to the Richmond ICB Referral Portal- Richmond ICB triage and process the referrals.

Nursing Home staff and GPs will use the standard referral form. Once completed the referral should be sent to Richmond CHC generic mailbox:

For children preparing for Transition into Adult CHC Services, referrals should come from Richmond Children’s Continuing Care Team or from the allocated Social Worker when the person is 17 years of age.

The referral should come with a Checklist and Transition Referral form which must be sent to Richmond Referral Portal at