Bladder and bowel - Children

From 1 July 2024, this service will be provided by West London NHS Trust.

The Paediatric Bladder and Bowel care team provides assessment, treatment, support and advice for children and young people with bladder and/or bowel difficulties.

The service actively seeks to promote healthy bladder and bowels by undertaking a thorough assessment by our Children’s Bladder and Bowel Nurse Specialist.  Each holistic assessment takes into consideration the physical, mental, psychological, social and emotional wellbeing of the child.

This team is part of the Paediatric Community Nursing Service.

We specialise in the treatment of:

  • Constipation
  • Daytime wetting
  • Night time wetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis)

Treatments are tailored towards toileting readiness and are based upon evidence based guidelines.  The team liaise with multi-disciplinary health care professionals and other children’s services to deliver individualised care for all children within the service.

We also see and assess children who are eligible for continence products because of a learning or physical disability.

Appointments are undertaken in community settings such as clinic’s and schools and may also be offered in the home visit environment, dependent upon the needs of the child.

All referrals must be accompanied by:

  • A copy of your initial completed Continence Assessment Form – Child that has been toilet trained OR Continence Assessment Form - Child who has not yet been toilet trained.
  • Copies of all other assessment documentation used e.g. Intake/Output Chart, Poo Diary, Night Time Diary/ Toilet Readiness Assessment Chart.
  • If child is suffering from constipation and/or daytime bladder problems - evidence of physical examination carried out by GP/Paediatrician.

Further information and copies of the Continence Assessment Forms (Child that has been toilet trained OR Continence Assessment Form - Child who has not yet been toilet trained), Intake/Output Chart, Poo Diary, Night Time Diary/ Toilet Readiness Assessment Charts can be downloaded from The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity

Please note: The appropriate Intake/Output Chart, Poo Diary, Night Time Diary/ Toilet Readiness Assessment Chart must be completed for a minimum of two weeks and submitted with your referral.


Tel: 020 3903 3660

Heart of Hounslow Centre for Health
92 Bath Road

Refer to the Paediatric Community Nursing Service

Anyone can make a referral. We provide services for children and young people who are registered with a Hounslow GP and are aged:

  • 0-18 year old - Asthma and Wheeze, Children’s Community Nursing and Continuing Care services teams
  • 2 – 18 years - Paediatric Bladder and Bowel team
  • 3 – 19 years attending a special school in Hounslow - Special Schools Nursing team
  • Once a child has been referred, a nurse will undertake a full nursing assessment and agree a plan of care with you and your child.
  • Some children may have needs that our team cannot meet, in which case we will refer them to the appropriate service.
  • We will make every effort possible to book visits in advance at a time and in a setting convenient for you. This could be at home, in a clinic or at school. Occasionally our nurses might be delayed or our clinics may overrun. If we expect to be more than 30 minutes late, we will let you know.

Service hours

Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Services
Monday – Friday 9 - 5pm