Pain management (Hounslow)

From 1 July 2024, this service will be provided by West London NHS Trust.

Video consultations

Where available, you can attend your consultation online via a video call. 

Video calling is as convenient as a phone call, with the added value of face-to-face communication. It can save you time and brings your care closer to home.

Our Pain Management service provides assessment, treatment and management advice for clients presenting with a wide range of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions including:

  • Chronic back pain
  • Arthritic pain
  • Degenerative conditions
  • Chronic widespread bodily pain (fibromyalgia)
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Persistent pain following surgery or medical treatments.

How it works

Once referred, you will be assessed by a Physiotherapist and Psychologist. Together with your team, you will then decide on the most appropriate management, which may include:

  • A ‘Pain Management Program’, exploring ways to best manage your pain
  • Decreasing the impact of pain
  • Improving function
  • Improving mood and how much the pain bothers you
  • Appropriate exercise and fitness maintenance
  • Returning to valued hobbies and activities
  • Gaining control of your life, rather than pain controlling you!
  • We also offer long-term follow-up and support for people who have undergone treatment with the Chronic Pain Service.

0300 555 0107

Therapy Centre/O-Block
West Middlesex University Hospital
TW7 6AF 

  • Paul Knight (Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Pain Management)
  • Nicola Kelly (Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Pain Management)
  • Marianne Coomber ( Pain Management Psychologist)
  • Karen Piper ( Pain Management Psychologist)
  • Reena Rudki ( Assistant Psychologist)    

* All the clinical staff are members of the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Referral info

To be referred to this service, the client must be:

  • Registered with a Hounslow GP
  • Aged 18 years and over
  • Have a written referral from an agreed health care practitioner (usually a GP)
  • Have had a musculoskeletal problem for more than 3 months
  • Have completed any medical investigations and treatment
  • Able to attend the department.

We cannot see clients who are:

  • Under 18 years of age
  • Have chronic pain due to a non-musculoskeletal problem, including primary headahces
  • Cannot travel to the department
  • Are continuing to undergo medical investigation and treatment for their pain condition.

Please see the 'Contact us' tab for the relevant contact information to refer clients to the Hounslow service.

Patients referred to the Pain Management Service will receive their treatment at the following location: