Parkinson's service (Richmond)

The Parkinson's Nurse Specialist service supports people with a diagnosis of Parkinson's (PD) who live in Richmond and have a Richmond GP.

The Parkinson's Nurse Specialist service is part of the Richmond Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team.
What we do 

The Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist provides people with information and advice to support and help self-manage condition.

This service aims to help maintain a good quality of life for patients and their family/carer through:

  • Specialist nursing assessment and advice on the management of PD 

  • Support, advice and information for patients, families and carers

  • Advocacy

  • Facilitating medication management

  • Education about condition, symptoms and how to self-manage

  • Providing co-ordination of care with other professionals that are involved and linking to other services within the community and hospital    

The Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist can provide advice over the phone, at clinic or at home for house bound patients.

The service provides a 6-week PD exercise class and also run a newly diagnosed PD education group twice a year.

Who we see

People who have a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson's. This service is for people who live in Richmond and have a Richmond GP.


This service is available for patients who:

  • Are registered with a GP in Richmond 
  • Have a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson’s
  • Are experiencing problems associated with Parkinson’s
  • Do not already have a Parkinson's Nurse Specialist 

How to refer

Referrals should be made via Single Point of Access Referral Form.