Stroke Early Supported Discharge (Richmond)

teamworkingwithpatient.jpgWho we are

The Stroke Early Supported Discharge team (ESD) provides an early, intensive rehabilitation service for people who have had a stroke who live in Richmond or have a Richmond GP.

The Stroke ESD team is made up of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Psychologist, Stroke Nurse and therapy assistants. The team is also supported by Dietitian and Neuro Wellbeing nurse.

The team is part of the Richmond Community Neuro Rehabilitation Team.

What we do

The Stroke ESD service enables people to leave hospital early to continue their therapy and rehabilitation in their own home. The aim is to maximise independence as quickly as possible after the stroke. 

This service is provided for up to 6 weeks. Therapy sessions are usually at home but can be as an outpatient at Richmond Rehabilitation Unit or in the community.

Once a referral has been received, we aim to assess within one working day  (Monday to Friday) at home. We offer daily therapy sessions (if required) for the first two weeks. After this time treatment will gradually reduce in intensity over the next four weeks.

People may also be supported by a care package or district nurse which is organised by the hospital. Any equipment must also be organised prior to leaving hospital.

Who we see

A person who has a confirmed diagnosis of a new stroke by Consultant or scan and lives in the borough of Richmond with a Richmond GP. 
The person must:

  • Have adequate cognitive ability and communication to be safe at home

  • Able to transfer with assitance of 1 (with/without equipment)

  • Able to actively participate in therapy

  • Have identified goals

  • Agree to therapy at home with this intensity

DSC_0665.jpgHow to refer

Referrals are received directly from Stroke Units. Referrals can be made between Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.

Early Supported Discharge Referral Form

Referrals should then be emailed to the Single Point of Access at

Referral criteria:

  • Patient must be registered with a Richmond GP

  • Diagnosis of new stroke confirmed by consultant or scan

  • Medically stable and fit for discharge

  • Adequate cognitive ability and communication to be safe at home with appropriate support

  • Able to transfer with assistance of 1 +/- equipment

  • Able to actively participate in daily rehab and goals identified

  • Referral will facilitate discharge and they require 3hrs 45mins of each therapy per week for the first two weeks

  • The patient agrees to rehab at home at this intensity

  • The patient has a continence strategy in place