Making a stand for safety during Falls Prevention Week

21 September 2023


This week, Hounslow health partners are recognising Falls Prevention Week (18-24 September). 

With more than 3,000 people attending West Middlesex Hospital following a fall-related incident between July 2021 and June 2022, and the ‘Public health Outcomes Framework’ (Fingertips) recognising that falls incidents in Hounslow were the highest out of all the London Boroughs for people aged 65-79 years (2020-21), a focus on falls prevention and bone health is crucial for supporting local residents.

The Hounslow Falls Prevention and Bone Health Service aims to reduce the rate and risk of falls and fragility fractures amongst Hounslow adults, and to improve the health and mobility of older people and sustain their independence. The service is designed for people aged 65+ who are felt to be at risk or afraid of falling or have had occasional or recurrent falls.

You can read what Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Hounslow Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Transformation says about Falls prevention in Hounslow, here:

Make a Stand for Safety during Falls Prevention Week | London Borough of Hounslow

Read more about Falls Prevention Week on the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership (BBP) website and find self-help tips and advice on the London Borough of Hounslow website.

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